Corey Stewart

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Professional Biography - short, corporatey version

Corey Stewart was asked to join and launch the internal startup of Coaching in Organizations at the globally recognized International Coaching Federation (ICF).

He is now it's Director of Operations.

Internally, Corey is the driving force behind the continuity of day-to-day functions, ensuring that each cog in the organizational wheel spins without a hitch.

Externally, he employs his strategic acumen by consulting for international enterprises of Fortune caliber, facilitating them in constructing, scaling, and fine-tuning their in-house coaching programs.

Prior to his commitment to ICF, Corey spearheaded Organizational Development and Talent Management initiatives at GAF. His adeptness in these areas continues to fuel his success and enrich his contributions to the world of corporate coaching and talent management.

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Personal Biography - long, fun version

Corey emerges from the Texas sun; classic Gen X'er, nourished on a balanced diet of BBQ, Nirvana, and life lessons from Saved by the Bell. Smarty pants in class, but socialize? Nah.

At 18, he's off to University of Texas - Arlington, full academic scholarship, zero plan. To shake off his shyness, he dives headfirst into door-to-door sales, frat parties, and rock climbing. Yeah, yeah, rock climbing. A real social butterfly.

But it works.

Post-college, he's interviewing for a job in logistics, but HR's like, "Join us!" and he's like, "Let's see where this goes!"

Two years later he finds out, "You're going to Vegas, baby !"

He's the HR Manager, opening a 500,000 sq. ft. facility, working 14 hour days, constantly over his head. He learns, adapts, thrives. Starts as employee numero cinco and rounds up 100+ more.

Oh, he's also a nightclub paparazzo giving Vegas' party animals their 15 minutes of fame. Fourteen hour days turn into 18 hour days and he's literally sleeping in his truck. Is he coming or going?

He doesn't know either. But he does take a photo that crashes an ESPN server during the MLB steroid debacle. So, that was fun.

The Lone Star yanks him back and he clocks a decade at GAF.

He starts in the headlong depths of HR: union negotiations and arbitrations, testifying in federal court, taking injured employees to the hospital at 4am.

But soon it's Talent Management & Organizational Development: centralizing talent management initiatives, steering company-wide annual capability reviews, managing software integrations, mergers & acquisitions.

He launches more projects in the People arena than most talent leaders will in two lifetimes. His life is a rollercoaster of adrenaline - like being in a Tom Cruise flick, but with less CGI and more paperwork.

Amidst the chaos, he's taking annual sailing trips with friends. They want to live on a boat someday. He wants a steady paycheck. Until the day he doesn't.

He sells everything, moves onto a 52' ketch and spends 12 months adventuring across Georgia, Florida, the Bahamas, Turks & Caicos, and the Dominican Republic.

He learns to sail a little better, spearfish, cook lobster, ride a motorcycle on some pretty questionable roads, and hurricane prep a boat...for two hurricanes.

Post-sailing, Corey sprouts wings and flies around the globe for 2 more years. Along the way he hikes 14'ers, walks across the country of Spain, and runs a couple half marathons - he's like an Energizer bunny on steroids, but has narcolepsy too.

PSSST...HEY! If you've got a hook-up in Madeira, Portugal (job, home, lottery ticket), give this guy a buzz. It's his dream residence.

The three years afford him an education you can't find in any classroom or corporate boardroom. He learned firsthand the impermanence of comfort, the importance of resourcefulness, and the power of perseverance.

But alas, the travel comes to an end...

Looks for work, March 2020. COVID says, “Oops.” He networks into the International Coaching Federation and is hanging around there now.

Presently, you can spot him voraciously consuming software development, jogging with his pup, and casting lines for largemouth bass, splitting his time between Texas and NYC. Because hey, life is a buffet, why not sample everything?