The 'Average of 5 People' Myth

Mindset Matters

People's thoughts as balloons

Predominant Thoughts

October 8, 2023

You’re not the sum of those around you. It’s a myth. A comforting lie for some.

Reality? You’re the average of your five predominant thoughts. Thoughts sculpt identity. Identity seeks the like-minded.

Convinced you’re a victim? Your crowd will be a chorus of woe.

But believe knowledge never ends? You’ll find yourself in the company of mentors, experts, and enthusiasts.
Ruminate on fitness? Athletes will be your companions.
View strangers as connections waiting to be made? You’ll be a hub in a network of titans.

You can’t game this system by reverse-engineering it, placing yourself amidst prodigies and hoping their luster rubs off. It’s not osmosis; it’s alignment.

Stop outsourcing your outcomes in life to others. Focus on your predominant thoughts.