Select Projects

penguin under arch

I use Arch, BTW

This site and all of the projects mentioned on this page are hosted on a custom Arch server. Email, web hosting, webhook processing capabilities, SSH, TLS/SSL...

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monkey with baseball cards

Baseball Junkie

Node.js application scrapes baseball statistics, writes to PostgreSQL database, crunches numbers, and sends daily email to a baseball card day trader...

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elon musk checking email

You've Got Mail!

Postfix, Dovecot, Mutt, oh my! Fully functional mail server that complies with SPF, DKIM, DMARC, other other configurations that ensure maximum deliverability...

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logo of ghost for

Boo! (this site)

Astro, Tailwind CSS, and keyboard grease come together to deliver this snappy, responsive site through a custom built continuous deployment pipeline...

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